What was your previous role before Behavioral Signals?
I was studying Electrical and Computer Engineering and doing ML & NLP research at NTUA
What is your role at Behavioral Signals?
Make machines understand emotions and behaviors through voice, a.k.a. Machine Learning Engineer
What do you find most disruptive/ challenging at Behavioral Signals?
Converting the added value of AI models into valuable products
What kind of work would make you excited to get out of bed on Monday morning?
Creative work that pushes the limits of our tech capabilities, solves real problems, and provides added value to humanity
Who are your role models and mentors?
George Paraskevopoulos || Alex Potamianos || Dan Jurafsky, Christos Papadimitriou || Alan Turing || Alexandros Mavrokordatos, Winston Churchill || Claude Monet
What professional mistakes have you’ve learned most from?
Making assumptions and avoiding sanity checks ?
What is the biggest technological challenge in Emotion AI right now?
Make meaningful usage of emotional predictions
What is the biggest challenge for ML now? What breakthrough are you expecting in the future?
Challenges: fairness, transparency, privacy. Breakthrough: self-explainable models
What makes you happy?
Traveling, printed newspapers, books, walking in cities, exploring flavours
What makes you angry?
Queues, lies, unnecessary interruptions, poor food quality
What makes you dream?
Friends, literature, tech advances & REM sleep
What makes you get up and moooooove?
Andromeda + Pechlivanis, by Thanasis Papakonstatinou
If you had a ‘warning’ label, what would it say in one word?
“ckarouzos” ?
Can procrastination be useful?
We’ll see…
Post-its OR whiteboards?
A4 printing paper white sheets and journal notebooks
Tea or coffee?
The italian way: “Un caffè normale per favore”
Food you never get bored eating?
Seafood and medium rare steaks
Book or movie you would suggest for someone to read/see?
Pericles’ Funeral Oration || Le citta invisibili || L’ Étranger || A Farewell to Arms || The last lecture
Who are you going to tag to do this interview next?
Thomas Melistas