
Ensuring Customer & Agent Satisfaction, by Rana Gujral

Contact Center World published an article by Rana Gujral, entrepreneur, speaker, investor, “AI Entrepreneur to Watch,” according to Inc., and CEO of Behavioral Signals on “Ensuring Customer & Agent Satisfaction”.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores are the biggest indicators of a successful customer support department. Typically, managers and directors are only able to obtain this data after the interaction with the agent has been made. Or, the customer has already escalated their issue, and then it is brought to the manager’s attention after the fact (sound familiar?).

Call centers are investing more in AI-based solutions because they realize how helpful this technology is in improving customer satisfaction. There is a huge opportunity available for industries such as banking, healthcare, and insurance to hyper-personalize each customer interaction and ensure feedback is gathered from 100% of calls.

In our new world, where 25-30% of call center agents are remote, it is even more important to find ways to make these interactions positive for everyone involved. Below, we’ll take a look at ways managers can use AI-Mediated Conversations (AIMC) to drive positive CSAT scores before an agent even answers the phone.

How it works

AIMC is an automated, predictive call routing solution. It uses Emotion AI – how someone is feeling – and voice data to match the customer to the best-suited agent to handle the specific call. Based on our research and real-world data, people who share certain behavioral traits may get along better than those who do not. Perhaps you can recall a previous situation where a customer escalation was handled smoothly by someone else.

The software creates a profile for each agent and customer. While each person is speaking, it analyzes (in real-time) their natural voice and tone to capture how something is being said. The system is capable of extracting metrics such as Happiness, Sadness, Frustration, and more. This translates into a rich database of insights that can be used over time to boost a call center’s performance. The technology is supported by algorithms developed from years of research in AI, namely Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Behavioral Signal Processing.

Benefits for customers

Now, how can this technology ensure customer satisfaction? According to Microsoft’s customer service report, 72% of respondents expect agents to already know who they are and to have insight into their previous conversations. The bar for customer experience is at an all-time high, and agents need tools that will help them achieve those expectations. By implementing solutions such as Emotion AI and predictive call routing, organizations can prepare for clients who have had low CSAT scores in the past and turn negative experiences into positive ones.

Customer service departments even report an increase of up to 15% in CSAT scores when using AI-Mediated Conversations. Customers who are matched to the best-suited agent benefit in many ways. They:

  • Receive more personalized care
  • Build a better rapport with the agent, which creates a positive call experience
  • Have higher chances of getting their issue resolved on the first call, ultimately raising their brand affinity

Benefits for agents & support departments

While CSAT scores remain the top KPI for Customer Service and Customer Experience executives, the organizations that succeed understand that their people need to be taken care of as well. It is critical that employees feel empowered to do their jobs. Predictive call routing helps support managers and directors set their teams up for success and scale operations like never before.

Because we are all in the business of people helping people, AIMC helps you take care of your team in the following ways:

  • Increased empowerment: Agents receive real-time feedback on how customers feel during the call as well as guidance on how they can improve. This helps agents determine whether they are on the right track. They can then use this data to make confident and appropriate decisions on the fly.
  • Reduced attrition: Agents feel happier and less stressed because escalations can be prevented in the first place with the proper call routing. Emotion AI allows you to capture complaints and dissatisfaction cues. Situations can be de-escalated more effectively before the call ends.
  • Full picture view: Executives can mark a CSAT score for 100% of customer calls and not only for those who respond to surveys. This gives you the full scope of how your call center is performing, including customers who may have simply had a mediocre experience. Now you can fill the gaps between those who report an extremely good or extremely bad experience.

How to move forward with AI

AIMC analyzes only “how” something is being said, not “what” is said. This allows the technology to be used across multiple languages (language-agnostic) and ensures user privacy. A customer calling into a location in Asia could receive the same level of care as someone who dials into a call center in the US.

96% of customers agree that customer service plays a vital role in their choice of loyalty to a brand. Call centers act as an important touchpoint for businesses, and it’s no secret – poor interactions have a huge impact on revenue. The adoption of AI in call centers will only become more popular as we move forward. Learn more about AI-Mediated Conversations to ensure satisfaction not only with your customers but also with your people.


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